Hi, I'm Aadam.
I’m a fitness coach and writer. When I’m not helping my clients achieve their fitness goals, I write hard-hitting, evidence-based fitness content that makes all this training and nutrition stuff simple to understand. See for yourself.
Fitness content that doesn't suck.
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I'm obviously biased. So here's what my readers have to say.
Totally love how your advice is rooted in reality and strips away all the crazy messages out there. It’s much more achievable!
– Sarah Y
I just want to send a note of gratitude. I found your blog by googling "fat loss" in hopes I'd find a quick solution (lol). Your article on fat loss popped up second so I clicked on it because it seemed honest. An hour later I felt more educated and empowered to start losing weight and gain strength than I've ever felt.
I really appreciate your no-bullshit perspective and the effort you put into explaining sciencey and complex topics.
– Holly
Physiqonomics is one of the best sites for free up-to-date no-nonsense information on nutrition and training packaged in smarts and wit.
– Mickey N
I subscribed to your emails because of your writing style. It's informative, real, and hilarious. You don't come across like all the other internet fitness assholes.
– Dann
Confused about where to start?
There's a lot of bullshit on the internet — let me simplify things for you.
What's your main goal right now?
Shred stubborn body fat and get lean while maintaining muscle and strength.
Build lean muscle and increase your strength.